Workshop on Internet Routing Evolution and Design (WIRED)

October 7-8, 2003
Timberline Lodge, Mount Hood, Oregon, USA

We would like to organize the workshop in such a way that we all While we are quite open to suggestions, the format we are currently planning is Listed below, we have a tentative division of people into panels. Each panelist can present their views on the subject for up to five minutes, and then the group will take questions, comments, and pot shots from the audience. (The five-minute time limit on opening statements will be strictly enforced to allow time for discussion!) Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for the workshop agenda. We look forward to an interesting and lively meeting.

8:00am Breakfast
8:30am Introduction and agenda bashing
9:00am Position statements
10:45am Break
11:00am Position statements
12:30pm Lunch
2:00pm Panel #1: interdomain routing protocols (where are/n't we?)
3:15pm Panel #2: intradomain routing protocols (where are/n't we?)
4:30pm Panel #3: end-to-end properties of routing system (where are/n't we?)
7:00pm Dinner
8:30pm Open discussion

8:00am   Breakfast
8:30am Discussion of previous day
9:00am Panel #4: network management/measurement (where should we go?)
10:45am Panel #5: overlay networks (where should we go?)
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Panel #6: routing protocol design (where should we go?)
2:45pm Open discussion
4:00pm Concluding session
6:00pm Stop

Panel #1: Interdomain routing protocols (where are/n't we?)
Nick Feamster
Vijay Gill
Tim Griffin
Ratul Mahajan

Panel #2: Intradomain routing protocols (where are/n't we?)
Cengiz Alaettinoglu
Phil Karn
Aman Shaikh
Dave Ward

Panel #3: End-to-end properties of routing system (where are/n't we?)
Christophe Diot
Olaf Maennel
Morley Mao
Randy Bush

Panel #4: Network management/measurement (where should we go?)
Sharad Agarwal
Olivier Bonaventure
John Heasley
Renata Teixeira

Panel #5: Overlay networks (where should we go?)
Aditya Akella
Tom Anderson
Bruce Maggs
Anja Feldmann

Panel #6: Routing protocol design (where should we go?)
Sue Hares
Lakshmi Subramanian
Lan Wang
Jennifer Rexford