The Saga of Converting Some Hosts and Services to Dual-Stack

In the Westin rack, we had a dual-stack network running quite happily for a long while. I wanted to enable IPv6 for the major public-facing hosts and services. It was less simple than one might like. This is the story as of the moment.

All the servers ran FreeBSD, most 8-CURRENT and was 7-BETA2.   The servers, in the order I worked on them, were as follows:


First, I wanted to have the DNS ready. Because I wanted and many other things we expect from IPv4 life to work, I decided to use fixed address of the form <prefix>.<same-as-v4>.

The upstream that gave me the IPv6 transit had not delegated the reverse zone to me. I looked at the SOA RR of the parent zone and wrote to the required email address in the RNAME field. The mail bounced. I then spent two weeks working with their most kind and diligent NOC to get through to the actual responsible folk in their organization.

Making the zone file was easy but required editing, as I could not just steal the IPv4 zone and stick in an


because one of the great leaps forward with IPv6 is that it does reverse DNS with nibbles instead of bytes.  So the zone had to be broken up into nibbles, as in

    0.1.0  PTR
    0.0.1  PTR
    0.2.1  PTR

I then built a kernel with IPv6 enabled, which it is by default in FreeBSD's GENERIC kernel, and changed /etc/rc.conf to configure what I minimally wanted.

    ipv6_enable=YES                        # Set to YES to set up for IPv6.
ipv6_ifconfig_bge0="2001:418:1::39/64" # Sample manual assign entry
ipv6_ipv4mapping=NO # Set to NO to disable IPv4 mapped IPv6 addr

I rebooted and it actually worked.

Then I had to rebuild BIND with

   ./configure --enable-ipv6 --with-openssl

Note that the vanilla BIND in the build will have these enabled.  So if you use the normal buildworld BIND, you're fine.

To enable IPv6 transport for BIND, one has to add

    listen-on-v6 { any; };

to the options section of the configuration file.  Of course, one can be more restrictive specifying which address BIND listens.

Finding a secondary who had dual-stack transport was not as easy as I expected. But ISC volunteerd, and I could even reuse my existing tsig key with them.  You do use tsig for axfr, don't you?

I still do not know how to get AAAA RRs added to COM and root zones for glue records.

Email: Exim and Dovecot

Exim was a bit cute. As it used colon in the local_interfaces configuration line already, there is a <; hack one uses

    local_interfaces = <; \ ; \ ; \ ; \
2001:418:1::39 ; \

Dovecot was my imaps server, and I needed to change the configuration file to add

    listen = *, [::]

Checking for Missed Services

Issuing the command

    netstat -af inet | egrep -v '(http|smtp|domain|imap|ssh)'

gave me an idea of what other services needed configuring. There were none that were not already handled some other way. Unfortunately, this took 15 minutes to run, as the host had a few TCP connections.


So I rebooted everything and tested that they all worked, i.e.

    % dig +short @2001:418:1::39 ptr


    % telnet 2001:418:1::39 993
Trying 2001:418:1::39...
Connected to 2001:418:1::39.
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> q
Connection closed.

But then I hit a suprise

    % telnet 2001:418:1::39 25
    Trying 2001:418:1::39...
    telnet: connect to address 2001:418:1::39: Permission denied
    telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

A bit of debugging revealed a line in the sending host's /etc/ipfw.conf that said

    add pass tcp from me to any smtp
    add deny tcp from any to any smtp

which I think should have been fine. But, when I replaced it with

    add deny log tcp from any to me smtp

everything was fine.  Clearly I need to do more research on IPv4/IPv6 differentiation in ipfw.

Turning it Up and Moving On

I then felt confident that I could add the AAAA record(s) to the forward zone file in relative safety.

I then went over to the second of the three main systems, itself, and did pretty much the same thing: BIND, dovecot, /etc/ipfw.conf, etc.


Apache on was a bit tougher. I was still running Apache 1.3 on this host, and 1.3 did not support IPv6. I could either apply the Kame patch, which probably would have been easy considering that I worked in a office with leading Kame developers, or upgrade to Apache 2.x.  I decided to upgrade to 2.2 as that was forward progress and probably needed doing anyway.  So, at 16:00, I bit the bullet and did

    pkg_deinstall -Rv php4* apache* mod_*

I then installed php5 and apache22 using portupgrade. Then I had to edit the configuration files to get the 42 virtual servers, SSL, etc.

I also had to go over to my key/certificate generation system and tell it that was now Apache 2.2, and automatically generate and install the appropriate certificates and keys. A million thanks to Rob Austein for the automated X.509 generation system software.

Turning Up and an Exim DNSBL Problem

I then checked out the services and found them to be working! So I changed the zone file for to show the AAAA RRs.

WHAM! My Exim started rejecting mail over IPv6 with some sort of bad dnsbl lookup at A bounce looked like

    rcpt to: <>
    550-rejected because 2001:4d00:0:e:62:89:13:66 is in  a black list at
    550 Blackholed - see <URL:>
    Connection closed by foreign host.

Note that the lookup was for, there is probably some other bug lurking there. The relevant config was

    drop    log_message   = REJECT mail from rbl
            message       = rejected because $sender_host_address is \
                            in  a black list at \
            dnslists      =

I immediately turned the AAAA records off until I cound find a cure.  I googled but no luck. I could not even ask on the exim-users mailing list because its server used sender verify and my sender was rude to it. I had to fall back to gmail to ask for advice.

The problem turned out to be that DNSBLs do not handle IPv6.  So, for IPv6 connections, you want to skip the DNSBL tests. I did this by adding the conditional shown in bold.

    drop    log_message   = REJECT mail from rbl
            message       = rejected because $sender_host_address is \
in a black list at \
condition = ${if isip4{$sender_host_address}}
dnslists =

Next Server,

Next I went to, the host which has net services such as xmpp/jabber, asterisk, etc. First I did the same old basics that were begining to feel familiar to me, kernel, rc.conf, named, /etc/ipfw.conf, and exim. It was already running Apache 2.2, so no problem there.


When IPv6 was up, I did get start getting whines from the mrtg running on the host,

    socket: Protocol not supported

every time it ran a cycle. I need to chase this down.


The instructions said that ejabberd was very simple, merely add "inet6" to all the listeners, as in

    { listen,
[ {5222, ejabberd_c2s, [ inet6,
{ access, c2s },
{ certfile, "/usr/local/etc/key.pem" },
] },
It turns out that ejabberd will not support listening on the same port from IPv4 and IPv6, see bug report.  The work-around is to have the IPv6 listener on a different port.  This would be pretty hard for users.

But this does not explain why , if IPv6 was enabled on the box at all, ejabberd would not run, with or without the configuration change. So I had to leave it IPv4 only for the moment.

